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Supply chain management is a mess. We are here to fix that.

Boex, the future of international trade digitization.

At Boex, we’re continuing to revolutionize the way global trade transactions are conducted, making them more efficient, secure, and accessible for all stakeholders involved. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and the power of digital Bills of Exchange, our platform is designed to streamline the entire trade process, from documentation to customs clearance, payment, and beyond.

How we do this?

Digitization of Bills of Exchange

By evolving a platform that digitizes Bills of Exchange, Boex is directly addressing the inefficiency of traditional paper-based trade documents. This digitization ensures faster, more secure, and more efficient transactions, reducing the time and cost associated with paper documents.

Treaty Law and Legal Standing

The use of Bills of Exchange, governed by Treaty Law, creates a robust legal framework for international trade transactions. These digital contracts, now backed by the UK Electronic Trade Documents Act (ETDA), have the same legal weight as traditional paper contracts. This legal certainty is crucial for international trade, providing a reliable foundation for dispute resolution and enforcement.

Secure Movement of Money

In the intricate world of international trade, the security of your financial transactions is paramount. At Boex, we understand the critical importance of trust and reliability in every payment. That’s why we’ve dedicated ourselves to creating a secure payment infrastructure that not only meets but exceeds the industry standards for safety, ensuring your peace of mind with every transaction.

Visibility and Efficiency

By digitizing the trade process and leveraging electronic Bills of Exchange, Boex improves transaction visibility for all stakeholders involved. This increased transparency reduces communication errors and delays, streamlining the trade process and potentially lowering costs.

Leveraging UK Common Law

Given that 80% of International Trade is based on UK Common Law, BOEX’s platform is particularly well-positioned to support UK exporters. The ETDA’s alignment with common law principles further strengthens this position, offering a compelling value proposition for UK companies looking to engage in international trade.

Efficient Tax Collection

The platform’s ability to facilitate automatic customs payments can lead to more efficient tax collection, benefiting the UK economy.